From Idea to Imapact

Welcome to Truss Blogs, your one-stop destination for all things truss-related! Whether you're a construction professional, a DIY enthusiast, or simply curious about the fascinating world of trusses, our blog is here to provide you with a wealth of information, insights, and tips.

Whether you're seeking knowledge to advance your career, planning a construction project, or simply intrigued by the world of trusses, Truss Blogs is your trusted source for reliable information and inspiration. Join our community, explore our articles, and become a truss expert in no time. Stay tuned for regular updates and enrich your truss-related journey with us!

  • Staying Current: We're constantly scouring the latest research and trends to provide you with up-to-the-minute information on topics that are relevant to you.
  • Fact-Checking: Before any blog post goes live, we rigorously fact-check all the information to make sure you're getting the most accurate content.
  • Expert Insights: We seek out experts in the field to bring you valuable insights and diverse perspectives on the subjects we cover.
  • Transparency: We believe in transparency, and if we make an error, we correct it promptly. We're committed to ensuring that our readers receive reliable and trustworthy information.

Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder


Nathan Shaver

CEO & Co-founder

Our core values


We incorporate cutting edge research to make sure our products identify and measure novel toxins that are legitimately dangerous for your health at environmentally relevant doses.


We constantly strive to develop state of the art technology that enables the transportation and hospitality industries to detect smoke in ways not previously possible.


We believe that it is a universal, human right to live in carcinogenic-free environments pursuant to the United Nations’ Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.